Salesforce Associate Certification

Last week we brought you the news that Salesforce have launched a brand-new certification! Now we can bring you more first-hand experience and knowledge about the cert itself and what you need to know. Read on...

Our team frequently develops learning programmes for new talent to the Salesforce ecosystem, which until now has focused on gaining the Admin or App Builder certification as the first step on the certification ladder. However, the new Salesforce Associate certification changes this.

If you have only recently started working with Salesforce (perhaps a graduate, an apprentice, new to your role using Salesforce, or in an industry where Salesforce has great significance), this entry-level certification is perfect to show off your knowledge early on in your career. It is aimed at people with around 0-6 months of Salesforce knowledge and experience, who are invested in learning more about the Salesforce Customer 360 Platform.

Some of the team took the Salesforce Associate certification this week so that we are better placed to advise our customers, and this is what we found out. This is a great certification that covers a breadth of knowledge, which includes:

  • Salesforce Clouds: What are they? What do they offer customers?
  • How to learn more about Salesforce and where to get help
  • Salesforce fundamentals, such as key features of the platform and navigating Salesforce
  • Roles in the Salesforce ecosystem

We particularly liked the fact that cert-takers will learn about the different career paths that they can follow, and how the different Salesforce clouds meet various customer requirements. This knowledge gives a solid foundation to build on in the future and will help drive career decisions.

To pass this certification, you do need an awareness of some of the platform features, but you are not expected to have extensive experience. For example, you will need to have a good understanding of reports and dashboards, and how data visibility is controlled, but the focus is on an understanding of what the functionality does, not how to build it yourself.

It has a lower price tag than other certifications at just $75 and has no retake fee and no maintenance requirement. It is also a little shorter than other certifications with just 40 questions and 70 minutes to complete the cert. You need 62% to pass.

How do you learn more?

Well, those lovely people at Trailhead have created a huge amount of directed learning for you:

If you have any questions at all, or want assistance building this into your learning programme, please contact us!

Take a look at all of our Salesforce training courses.


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